Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pictues Of Flea Bites On Dogs

Erasmus for young entrepreneurs

The European Commission, DG Enterprise has published a call for projects aimed at promoting and supporting initiatives that help young entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs community to enrich their experiences through exchange activities and periods of work abroad at businesses run by experienced entrepreneurs in other EU countries. The objective is to enhance entrepreneurship, internationalization and competitiveness of young entrepreneurs and those considering starting a new business of micro size.
Projects must be initiated and managed by:
- public authorities at national or regional
- chambers of commerce and industry, chambers of craft or similar bodies;
- business support organizations and centers that help enterprises under goodwill;
- trade associations and networks of business support;
- public and private agencies that offer support services to businesses.
Grant applications must be postmarked by May 29, 2009 .
For any information details: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/entrepreneurship/support_measures/erasmus/ (Link on the article title).
Infoday in Brussels April 28, 2009.


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