Multimedia Teaching of History 7 th cycle
aa 2006-2007
-use the potential of ICT in the teaching of History valid preparing multimedia products for educational
-foster communication among teachers / remote collaboration to address the problems of teaching, discuss and learn about best practices for o'buone teaching practices'.
The concept of best practice refers to communities of practice or best practice "small groups of individuals who base their professional growth not so much on a training path (-directed), but rather about sharing experiences, identifying best practices and assistance each other in dealing with the everyday problems of their profession "G. Trentin, Networked learning and knowledge sharing. Role, dynamics and technology of online professional communities, Milano, Angeli, 2004
Route of two years
Teaching multimedia lab-1 ^ year (20/03/2006)
-training group and the internal correspondence
-meetings presence (two to 7.6 and 9.11)
produzone-work activities
distance (September / October '06 February / March '07)
media-lab Teaching 2nd year in closing the loop (5:03:07)
- 12 laboratories (of which 8 are included in the community) and 5 of multimedia teaching labs and research sources on the web that were included in the community
activities - 20 pupils worked the preparation of courses with multimedia (the solution is to dispense with the text editor that is associated with a projection slides, a lab has added a program for publications and another has used audio-visual) and 10 others have been working on sources and search the web (on the model of the web quests).
- 26 students were enrolled in the community, 4 of which have followed, as participants, without intervening in the forum
- two open forums with 10 topics and 38 total interventions
Forum sull'autovautazione
- 8 subjects, corresponding to the 8 workshops, with 32 operations
- These arguments and comments raised by the interventions
Lab - Postcards propaganda (Sara Fornasini)
I can complete multimedia languages and in many ways replace the front lez where it is deficient (documents, iconographic material, ..), you must find digital solutions tailored to the different prerequisites for students, teaching to assess digital sources. How? The debate on the forum
The construction of a historical newspaper to develop skills and creativity allow. The assessment of the sources in the network
Good practice suggestions
find ways to consolidate the historical knowledge and develop creative production (such as a historical journal)
Teaching to evaluate digital sources: to provide directions to historic sites, internet and correlate historical sources and historiographic paper, select the material on the internet according to criteria derived from the manual History, to teach how to properly use a search engine
history and sources of audiovisual (Giacomo Pera)
The cut was made to work, "how do you evaluate whether the historical reconstruction is a valid and credible ? You can compare the reconstruction of the original image and evaluate the reconstruction, the choice of the setting, the type of image, that the photo choice. "
This approach has shifted attention to the validity of the documentary film and the space was depending on the film. This work has used
Audiovisual not as historical sources but as tools to capture the multiple aspects (military, psychological, economic ...) for the period of war, to put students into the events
The debate on the forum
The films can be used as a source for the study of history? Some answers
-I film historians tell us much more about the period in which they were made to the historical events narrated.
-To use them as sources so you have to relate their historical context. This school is difficult because the young people who see a film pay attention to the story told, and little interested in the period in which the film was made.
Yes, if they are integrated with the printed sources.
-must shift the focus on the idea of \u200b\u200bwar that emerges from the film and see how the idea of \u200b\u200b"war as the identity of a people and a person you go to that war as a loss of self and reality."
-The film involves the boys, you must prepare to teach a good questioario to understand and interpret. Best practice suggests
If using audiovisual such as movies and documentaries, without spoiling the viewing experience, you need to find ways to reflect on the point of view, to question information to know what he thought the time that the produced them, of course production of one or both of the other you should know the date.
E 'educationally useful to compare works that present different angles, or documentary film and is working on the assembly is on the voiceover that accompanies the documentary
Then you could offer students a card with questions to focus on a few important points, such as the idea of \u200b\u200bwar that emerges from the film and what emerges from the documentary that you should consider not only the assembly but also the commentary accompanying the images. The varied landscape
interventionist (Fabio Furciniti)
A lab on the images and varied role that may have (to introduce the concept, provide support to the text, introducing a problem, attach explanation). The aspect ratio - the written text (integration and storage) and the composition of the slide according to specific rules for both the content (a few concepts and close relationship with the images) for both formats (bold, bullets). Intervention for students who will be working on documents and texts by historians and exhibit their chart using a projection
The debate on the forum projection as to make the lesson and avoid the risk of exposure listed; BALANCE BETWEEN cotenuti and graphics support with laboratory work . Close relationship and ICT texts paper (the material in this lab has been used successfully in a tirocinioper another trainee)
Good practice suggestions
ICTs are integrated with traditional printed materials to determine the information and turn it into knowledge, laboratory work with students reinforce their knowledge.
The geopolitical situation before and after the war (Elizabeth Ratti, Francesco Postorino, Elisa Petacco, Luca Rapisarda)
Increase the efficiency of the lesson dilogata recalling prior knowledge and facilitating the achievement of objectives. Use cards to address geo-historical arguments extended.
Good practice suggestions
Choose the cards for the approach best suited to the specific topic, so choose cards easily read and geo-historical commentators teach to read and interpret them and make deliveries for them (for example, write the caption)
Lorenzo Viani and war ( Irene Santucci)
Integrating the paintings, drawings and texts by a scholar-painter who took part in the war. This is not a lecture but a simulation of a hypothetical realization of the students. Procedure followed: testing the effectiveness of the instrument to relate literary texts and paintings, as do the deliveries were made in detail and in a concrete way, to provide guidelines for consistent and cohesive image to select the text leterario
The debate on the forum
The digital media is useful in this work with the images, but should not miss the integration with other tools not remove thick subject.
Some limitations in the type of software selected (slides) in the case of a work of reflection and study on an author
Good practice suggestions
Before choosing Internet resources it is necessary to investigate the issue on sources attedibili . When you use a resource on the Internet must make a selection of material useful for recovering only as proposed.
propaganda posters (Cynthia Tonetti)
Use images from the manual and find out strategies for reading the cards. Propose a route starting from questions that at the end of the path one must know how to respond. The process involves the reading of images and information with the explicit identification of issues through leading questions. In conclusion, we provide other images without guidance and verification is the preparation of captions on postcards second timely delivery
The debate on the forum
The gallery is effective and useful exercise to read. We must also get the interpretation image querying these sources also implied on the information, what is the 'image of the war, the family, the soldier has Italy in 1915? Best practice suggests
well the objective without enlarging the field, know the topics and documents, give directions to online resources from which
Other workshops included in the community:
Forum internship - 2 subjects were tested with 6 different laboratories
interventions: postcards of propaganda, history and visual sources, the varied landscape intervention, the propaganda posters .
Internship project will be discussed at the last meeting
With regard to the experiences of this website is reported as a demonstration purposes.
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