Week December 19 to January 3
MONDAY 'December 20
Training and Pulcini 2000-2001-2002 Official Photo
all the chicks will train with the Academy and will follow suit Juventus official photo.
We encourage parents to bring children within 17 hours (the photo will immediately)
Training 17-19
TUESDAY 'December 21
Beginners Training 1998 -1999 with J Academy from 1530 to 1730
17 Hours 30 photos suit with Juventus Official Training Academy
update from 18 to 21 technicians (18-1930 hour practice hours theory 1930-21) following dinner
WEDNESDAY 'December 22
Little Friends Riva Ligure 17-18 30
Juniors and Cadet Training and dinner
from 17 to 30 to 19 followed by dinner at Campo S Stefano S Stefano
THURSDAY 'December 23
Field preparation for celebration of 25 years for gathering Market
FRIDAY '24 December
Sunday 26 December Festival 25 years according to the program
MONDAY' December 27
Beginners Training 1999 hours 10-11 30
Training Pulcini 2001 10-11 hours 30
Beginners Training 1998 hours 15 30-18
Training Juniors hours 17-19
TUESDAY 'December 28
Training Chicks 10-1145 2002 hours
Training 2000 hours Chicks 30-18 15
Training Students 1730-19
hoursWEDNESDAY December 29
Beginners Training 1998 hours
10-1145Beginners Training 1999 hours 15-17
Training Little Friends 16-18 hours
Training Juniors S Stefano
Training Students S Stefano
THURSDAY December 30
Training 2001 hours Chicks 10-11 45
Training 2000 hours Chicks 10-11 45
Beginners Training 1999-1998 15-18
MONDAY 'Jan. 3 shooting "normal" activities (skip Jan. 6)
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