Monday, February 23, 2009
The laboratory multimedia teaching of history and IC Toniolo ssis Pisa Pisa
organize a seminar
educational innovation and information and communication technologies
poster with program
Morning 10.00-13.00
Innovation Education: teacher training and use of Tic
- The experience of the multimedia teaching of history and activity at a distance in the initial training of future teachers. (Prof. P. Fornaciari)
- The project IC Toniolo: the construction of digital products, the network of schools and cooperation with
- history forms designed by the students this year. (Cadet / s of course)
Afternoon 14:45 to 18:30
Comparing experiences
Christine Montuori i, " Use of ICT: how to train teachers how to educate students? An example of research in France " (Docteur en Sciences Membre de l'Education d'une equipe de recherche de l'UMR ADEF Universite de Provence (Unit Mixte de Recherche Apprentissage Formation Evaluation didactique) Academie d'Aix Marseille
Gabriella Raschi , " discuss the history of our blog an experiment " (Institute for Higher Education tutor Mazzini, La Spezia, language section)
Simonetta Noferi , " Good practice in the use of ICT in schools: an example of a multimedia history ." (Former student teacher SSIS Higher Education Institute "Bernardino Lotti, Section Liceo Classico di Massa Marittima)
Marinella Lizza , " The use of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as historical sources through the analysis of some websites "(former student teacher SSIS Liceo Scientifico" Italo Calvino "Citta della Pieve Perugia)
For information and registration please contact patrizia.fornaciari2 @
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