triveneto on TV
With "Leonorso News" on TV all the youth rugby udinese
Monday, October 6, 2008
Friday, October 3 on the network broadcasters Triveneto Telechiara debuted at 20.30 hours the weekly broadcast "Leonorso News." This was the first installment of a series of 40 each week - always on Friday at 20.30 - will talk about the life and activities of the Association rugbyistica udinese youth issues and develop rugby, both from the technical point of view that education and social work.
Much space is also given to films and interviews to give voice to all those players, including technicians, managers, students, parents, who through their enthusiasm are the heart Leonorso and all of the youth movement rugbyistico. Transmission "Leonorso News" is part of an area around three hours during which Telechiara introduced the program "Sport Friuli ", this channel dedicated to all sports in the Region with particular emphasis on" minor "sports. News
Leonorso begin at the end of the known transmission "Rugby Magazine", which begins at 20. All bets are made in-house staff of employees who are exclusively Leonorso of parents, managers, players and rugby fans closer to the society. It 'a unique initiative, which involves great effort and commitment but the Leonorso was designed and decided by the objective that animates his work has always been: to know and spread the rugby and do appreciate its high educational values.
Press Leonorso Rugby
"Rugby House" and "Rugby Magazine, the oval triveneto Telechiara
on Thursday, October 2, 2008 October 2
Back Rugby House, the program that already last year for the first time he brought in a weekly TV the rugby FemiCz Rugby Rovigo, Badia and the Zhermack dell'Herons Rodigium Rugby Villadose.
In the studio, as well as all the matches of the three teams Polesine, we will explore with various guests who are the topics of the week. Rugby House, whose slogan is "home of rugby at home" is a production Telestudio and will air every Thursday on Telechiara at 20.30 and at 21.00 on Sky 855 Freechannel. Friday
also the fifth edition Rugby Magazine. A lot of news this year, including the shift from Telefriuli and Telechiara. "It 's been a careful choice but not simple. Telefriuli After so many years, the move was a bit' traumatic - says the conductor Giancarlo Stocco - Telechiara We have accepted the proposal because it also gave the space of visibility throughout the Veneto , and honestly it was very tempting. We hope to satisfy everyone, because Serie A range from 1 until the series C 2 through women and youth sectors. "
The program will return for a period of half an hour and can be attended also be deferred on the website . The first interview will be the President Committee of the Interregional Venezie, Roberto Bortolato, which will open with a testimony of how the movement has expanded in Triveneto. Then services from the series A are set to C. A total of 8 services for this first episode of the new season of Rugby Magazine
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